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The Camp Of Bards and Demigods.png
The Bards & Demigods Youth Retreat 
for Mythologists & Poets ages 10-13 
with special guests from the UK/London!
Jonny Walker & Adisa the Verbalizer
April 30-May 3, 2024 

“We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”

                                                                                                   ― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Join us in the mysterious and beautiful forests at Hawk Circle, for a four-day retreat focused on getting deeply mythical, at The Camp of Bards and Demigods!

Bards were the ancient poets and storytellers, and without them, we would not know what went on in the times of the Ancient Greeks.


We wouldn’t know about the Gods, the Half-Gods, the Beasts and the Battles - the snakes of Medusa, the horns of the Minotaur and the weird transformations of Zeus!

In The Camp of Bards and Demigods, you will keep the mythic tradition alive - you will become a myth-teller, a creative writer, and you will step into the shoes of the demigods too.  We will develop the skills of the bow and arrow, and tell the tales of Apollo and Artemis


We will build the fires of Hephaestus and Hestia, and forge our own weapons.  We will make our libations to the muses, and let the power of poetry flow through our hands!  We will explore the forests of Demeter, and learn the secrets of the trees!   


You will carve mythical symbols in stone, and craft your own swords or spears around the campfire! 





在篝火或餐桌周围为森林教育者分享和学习讲故事。  探索神话原型激发学生的方式。





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Jonny Walker

Jonny Walker is a gigantic teacher and children’s author from London, England. He writes mythical books, has taught over 2,000 kids about Greek mythology across the world.


He is a ‘Star Educator’ on Outschool - check out his profile here.


He is the author of ‘Stories of the Seas’, a collection of ocean myths, and ‘Myths Don’t Frighten Me’, a weird little tale of Apollo and Artemis set in a shopping mall!


And finally, he says - though we cannot tell if he is lying - that he is secretly Poseidon in disguise.


Ricardo Sierra

Ricardo is the co-founder and co-director of the Hawk Circle Wilderness Education & Retreat Center.   He has led epic quests into the deepest wilds of Maine, New York, Utah and beyond, seeking solace and adventure in the heart of nature.

He enjoys teaching fire making skills, wilderness survival, nature awareness & tracking as well as lots of hand-made crafts and art.

He lives in Cherry Valley, NY with his family and is always in search of good campfire wood

我成为“森林教育者”的黄金法则之一是我只教授我自己实际完成的技能或领导活动,所以我了解我的学生在尝试编织篮子或蒙眼走路时正在经历什么,或者建立一个庇护所。   老实说,这些可能令人沮丧, 可以教孩子如何管理产生压力的事件并在我们的支持和指导下找到实现目标的方法。     该程序为您提供多种第一手知识手工艺品、游戏、技能和活动,因此您可以带着自己的课程或学校所需的一切返回。    -Ricardo Sierra_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-b b3b-136bad5cf58d_       



如果愿意,参与者将留在有暖气的小屋或帐篷中,并在整个强化课程期间享用家常饭菜。   (我们可以提前通知一些饮食限制。)





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计划日期:    2023 年 5 月 28 日至 6 月 3 日

课程费用:     $1,600




©通过电子邮件联系我们:          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  2022 by Ricardo J. Sierra

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