North Wind Winter Intensive
Survival, Tracking & Native Crafts
TBA, 2018
(Friday 10 am to Sunday 3:00 pm)
Location: Hawk Circle Wilderness Education, Cherry Valley, NY
Cost: $275
For Students Ages 16 and up. (Younger kids are fine with attending Parents)
Enrollment is limited to 10 participants.
This course is all about making the Cold Wind your Brother!
We start with building snow shelters, if there's snow, and learn about insulation. We also make fires, lots of different ways. In the snow. Without matches, or even without birchbark! The challenge is what makes it fun.
We'll also do some tracking and follow deer trails, or maybe a fox or a bobcat, learn their habits and discover their secrets of survival. We'll learn how to identify trees in the winter, without their leaves. We'll do cooking around a campfire, and we will make native crafts like buckskin patches, peyote stitch beadwork or rawhide containers in our heated workshop, after dark, so we can share stories of winter treks and other tales of lore.
Once you register, you'll be given an equipment list and other course details and information! Or email us if you have questions. HawkCircleOffice@gmail.com